Words for Women: Spring (Guest Post)

by Serena Chase
Let the trees of the forest sing,
let them sing for joy before the Lord,
for he comes to judge the earth.
~ 1 Chronicles 16:33 (NIV)
The wind sounds like rushing water through the trees. It’s a pink noise, warm and sweet.
A kite takes flight, its plastic wings making the same sound as a firework as it leaves the shoot—a slow sizzle of promised beauty, followed by a shout of laughter and a command to dance!
The birds have awakened—the star magnolia, too, its fragrant white flowers crowned at the edges with a virgin’s blush.
The wind sends applause through the dignitary trees, so recently dressed in jewels. With eyes darting, distracted from chirping instruments by the grandeur and mystery of what-might-next-come-awake, they play homage to the symphony with gloved hands.
It is His breath which makes the budding, the leafing, the stretching toward the sun—and they revel in it. A few branches, still bare, shiver in anticipation of His touch, but nearby evergreens dance with joy, knowing their sleeping cousins will soon awaken as the song calls across the wind, teasing without taunting, “Come! Awaken! Breathe! Play”
It is sweet, this Breath, and holy. It sends a shiver across the skin—yet it does not temper the radiance of the shine soaking into my westward cheek. I know this sun, this old friend, and where I sit, I am like this month—May—leaning toward warmth, toward the pull of promise.
A shadow. Clouds pass overhead. The birds quiet. The trees, still. I shiver, and my eyes are drawn to a pile of dead leaves. A haze of salt on cement, leftover from the last icy storm. The long list of things I’ve left undone, unspoken, untried. And the memory of winter whispers a warning, “The cold will come again.”
I close my eyes against the chill.
Suddenly, my face is warmer. The cloud has passed. The sun shines.
A song.
A song!
I open my eyes.
Yes, winter has left its mark on the world. On me. But Spring, oh, Spring! She wants to dance and today? Today I resolve to be her willing partner.
I look around with new eyes, seeing each bend of branch, each craggy trunk, each texture of every budded limb, knowing what He knows: that I would be in this place at this very moment—and that this moment was sculpted for my pleasure—and His—that I would see Him in it.
A flutter of wings, above and through me.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13 (NIV)
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://www.carlalaureano.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/serenachase1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Serena Chase is a regular contributor to USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog and the author of the Eyes of E’veria series. The Ryn (March 2013) and The Remedy (April 2013), are an expanded re-imagining of the classic Grimm fairy tale, Snow White & Rose Red and are available for Kindle and Kindle apps. Serena lives in Iowa with her husband, Dave and two daughters. [/author_info] [/author]
Tags: guest post, inspiration, Serena Chase, spring
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