Staying the Course

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
–Philippians 3:14
I’ll admit it: I’m competitive. I like to win.
So when I woke up this morning to an email from a contest coordinator that essentially said, “Thank you for playing, but you didn’t make it into the finals,” I felt a twinge of disappointment. Then I opened my score sheets.
Two judges loved it. One judge said nice things about my writing but didn’t think my main character was likeable. And one judge hated it, my writing, the characters, and thought there was no place for it in the inspirational market. (I’m still not clear whether the tipping point was the fact my heroine was drinking a glass of wine in a pub or wearing bright red Jimmy Choo pumps.)
I could let those less than enthusiastic critiques shake my confidence for the novel. I could start second guessing whether my writing is good enough to be published, especially considering my contemporary style is much different than my fantasy voice, which has so far been well-received. I could begin wondering if maybe contemporary romance is even a genre I’m meant to write, at least for the inspirational market.
But that would be a diversion from what I believe I’ve been called to do. While my fantasy books are much more conventionally Christian, my contemporaries are aimed to a different audience. Women who can’t relate to heroines with unshakable faith. Those who prefer Paris, France to Paris, Texas. Those who struggle to live a spirit-filled life in work environments, heck, in a world where being a Christian is seen as intellectual suicide, a sign of an untrustworthy mind, or just plain strange.
Yes, my characters are moral but not very Christian at the opening of the book. Just as Paul was a persecutor of Christians before his conversion. God’s work through him is all the more amazing because of where he started. I’ve been called to show what God can do through the least spiritual– maybe just like you and me– rather than the most. And if I let criticism divert me from my path, make me water down my message to please a subsection of readers that probably wouldn’t like the story no matter what I did, I’m not being faithful to that call.
So, I will take the helpful advice those judges gave me and use it to make my writing better. I’m grateful for the time they took to score my entry honestly, and for the sneak peek of the kind of response that I’ll get if and when it’s published. As for the rest, I will write it off as opinion and use it as a reminder that I write the stories I’ve been given for a reason, not for the acclaim of man, but for the glory of God.
I will stay the course.
Though I’ll admit, I may have pulled out my favorite red patent leather stiletto pumps today. Because if you’re going to face criticism, you might as well do it while wearing great shoes.
Tags: calling, christianity, contests, criticism, inspirational fiction, judges, writing
Jessie Andersen says:
Funny, I just finished writing a guest blog post on what I consider my calling. It should be up in the next few days. I’ll tell you the same thing I told those readers: my father always says, “God does not call the equipped, he equips the called.” So, if you feel called to write contemporary like this–I believe there’s a HUGE need for it–then keep on keeping on. God will give you what you need to complete the task.
And, I totally want a pair of those red, patent leather stilettos. 🙂
On January 25, 2013 at 10:11 am
Carla says:
Thanks, Jessie! I’ll look forward to reading your post in a few days.
On January 25, 2013 at 10:52 am
Liz Galvano Harshbarger says:
Wow, can I relate! I know we just “met” but I’ve become a huge fan fast. Let me encourage you to stay the course! I for one would like to see some change in Christian Fiction. Can’t wait to read your books.
btw, I love red shoes.
On January 25, 2013 at 10:45 am
Carla says:
Hi Liz! So great to connect with you. I love all kinds of Christian fiction, but I for one am craving something with the feel of general market romance without all the objectionable stuff that I feel compelled to skip over. Hopefully this fits the bill. And yes, red shoes are the best. 🙂
On January 25, 2013 at 10:53 am