Publication Update
It’s been an eventful spring/summer, y’all! If you follow me on social media, you probably already know the big news…I just signed a contract with Tyndale House Publishers to write a three-book contemporary romance series!
This is kind of a big deal, because… well, Tyndale. I’ve always admired their fiction program, particularly their contemporary romance and women’s fiction, so the fact that mine straddle the line between the two genres makes it pretty much an ideal fit. Plus I knew I wanted to work with their Associate Director of Fiction, Jan Stob, from our first conversation. Editor relationships are a big part of successful publishing partnerships, so I’m very excited about this one!
The unexpected bonus is that the entire MacDonald Family series has been acquired by Tyndale as well, including Under Scottish Stars, which was scheduled for release this summer. This third book will be coming, but it will be released at a later date once scheduling and formatting and repackaging has been completed.
In the meantime, you can look forward to the first volume of my new series in Fall 2017. Set in my beloved hometown of Denver, this food-centric book focuses on the romance between the chef-owner of a local fine-dining restaurant and the writer who inadvertently tanks her career. It’s fun to be back on American soil, but you can expect the same trademark romantic chemistry and delicious food that you got in my UK series… plus some fun glimpses of Colorado’s outdoor beauty and our thriving food scene.
Stay tuned for more details as they are available, and if you haven’t already, sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar to the left. I’ll even throw in a free e-book to sweeten the deal!
Tags: MacDonald Family, news, Tyndale, Under Scottish Stars
Megan says:
Any update on when the last in the McDonald series will be published? I keep checking to see if it will be out in kindle format soon.
On October 18, 2016 at 5:14 pm
Lisa says:
I agree, Melanie. I loved the first book and I really want to read this one.
On October 22, 2016 at 1:24 pm
Cliff says:
I read the first two books in the MacDonald Family series and have been waiting anxiously for Under Scottish Stars. How many more months do you think it will be before we well be able to buy it? Why does it take so long after changing publishers?
On November 25, 2016 at 10:06 pm