June Reading Challenge


It’s June! At the end of this month, we’ll be at the halfway point for our year and for the reading challenge. And thank goodness for this month’s theme, because I’m falling seriously behind in my reading list, which includes several books for which I’m supposed to be influencing. Partly it’s the end of school and the start of summer; partly it’s because I started rowing this spring and all those 4:15 a.m. alarms mean much earlier bedtimes, which are putting a serious cramp in my reading style! Fortunately, the season in Colorado only runs April through October, so that means reading marathons by the fire. (And let’s face it, I love me some cozy blanket reading.)

Fortunately, this challenge gives me the boost I need to finish up the reviews of books I’ve already read and get on the three that are demanding my attention.

So tell me, which recent books are on your June reading list?


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  1. Paula Shreckhise says:

    It seems that I have been reading nothing BUT books releasing this year. I am on a review and reading deadline, too!
    The ones released this month that I have already read are :
    The Number of Love by Roseanna White
    The King’s Mercy by Lori Benton
    The Crossing of Cypress Creek by Pam Hillman
    The Noble Guardian by Michelle Griep
    The Pink Bonnet by Liz Tolsma
    More Than Words Can Say by Karen Witemeyer
    Living Lies by Natalie Walters
    I am currently reading:
    A Reluctant Bride by Jody Hedlund
    What I need to finish still released this month)are:
    A Reluctant Belle by Beth White
    No Ocean Too Wide by Carrie Turansky
    Wooing Cadie McCaffery by Bethany Turner
    Cameo Courtships by 4 authors from Barbour. This was a big month for releases! ( I read some at the end of last month)

  2. Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says:

    I just finished My Dearest Dietrich by Amanda Barratt and am going to start Summer By The Tides by Denise Hunter.

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