Writing Life
A Writer’s Life: The Good, The Bad, and The Hilarious with James L. Rubart
Please join me in welcoming today’s guest, multi-published and award-winning novelist, James L. Rubart. Every time I turn around, Jim is winning another award for one of his visionary novels–and they’re well deserved. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author and in-demand speaker, he also remains one of the...
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Social Media Controversies, Celebrity Chefs, and Christian Romance
• Fictional Friday, Saturday Night Supper Club, Writing Life
I’m delighted to share with you the interview I did with Adam Sabados and Joy Fabry on Tyndale’s The Arc Podcast. We talk about social media controversies, our culture’s fascination with food, my writing process, and I give some advice to aspiring writers. On second listen, I might have waxed...
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A Writer’s Life: Why Plotting Doesn’t Work for Me by Amber Lynn Perry
I’m pleased to welcome my friend and fellow writer, historical romance author Amber Lynn Perry, to the blog today! Amber writes fabulous colonials with just-as-fabulous covers. If you follow her on social media, you’ll know that she acts as her own cover model and the costuming is from her own historical closet!...
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Ask An Author (episode 2)
We’re back with another question for my author panel. This one comes directly from a Twitter user, and it’s one of the top five questions I get from new authors: How do you find a balance between writing and marketing/platform building? I always answer this with another question: are you...
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