Marketing Mondays
Marketing Monday: Four Fiction-Marketing Fallacies
Spend enough time in the writing blogosphere, and you’ll find all sorts of information on all sorts of topics. But by far the most misunderstood and misrepresented area is that of marketing. We all know that once you write a book, you’re going to have to market it somehow, but...
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Marketing Monday: Twitter Tools You’ll Use
I’m still getting a hang of the whole Twitter thing. Asking a writer to condense a complete thought into 140 characters is a little like asking Elton John to give up the bling. It could happen… but not easily or often. Still, as I explore the Twittersphere, I’ve come across...
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Marketing Monday: How to Grab A Clean Product Image from Amazon
I have a touch of OCD. Little things bother me that probably don’t even blip everyone else’s radar. Chief among them, when I want to feature a book on my blog and I go to grab the book cover from Amazon, it comes along with an annoying little “Click here...
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Marketing Monday: Best Sources for Free and Royalty-Free Pics
Blogging and internet conventions seem to change almost daily, and while it’s no longer necessary to have a photo for every blog post like it was just a year or two ago, there’s no doubt an engaging photo can make the difference between drawing someone into your post or having...
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