Fictional Friday: To Make A Writer Add Alcott and Minestrone, by Brandy Vallance
It’s Louisa May Alcott’s fault. She was the last domino that made a writer out of me. You have to be on your guard against seemingly innocent, entertaining stories. For, as I have found, no story is innocent, and words, once they take root, can alter the course of your...
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Words for Women: Crash! The Sting of Rejection by Robbie Iobst
CRASH! When my son was three, he was given a bright orange car, low to the ground, powered by petals and steered with hand holds. At the time, we lived in a cottage. Actually, when I use the term “cottage” I am using euphoric recall. It was a shack situated...
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Words for Women: I Am Woman, Hear Me Cry by Cynthia Ruchti
I was his only hope. My husband had to remove the chimney liner from our 100-year-old two-story farmhouse with a creepy attic. And he couldn’t do it alone. He needed someone to climb up through the attic, that’s right, and up the hayloft-like Little House on the Prairie ladder with...
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Words for Women: First You Must Ask
I’m launching into a new phase of my blog. For the past several months, I’ve been writing most of my own posts, tweaking topics and formats. Now that we’re reaching the end of summer and rushing into conference season, I thought it was time to turn over the reins and...
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