August Reading Challenge Recap


I know I might be in the minority here, but I’m going to be happy to see summer turn into autumn and the weather turn colder. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve really enjoyed the warmth and sunshine, especially after a cold and somewhat snowy spring, but I usually want to be outside playing in the warmth rather than doing any reading! Because of that, my list of completed books is pretty light for August, and only two of them even remotely fit the challenge (in bold, as usual).

  • Sugar by Kimberly Stuart
  • Recursion by Blake Crouch
  • Fake Like Me by Barbara Bourland
  • To the End of June by Cris Beam
  • The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters by Balli Kaur Jaswal

Stay tuned for a #2MinBookReview on Recursion and possibly Shergill Sisters, assuming I finish reading it in time. (Yes, I’m still working on that one, and it’s now overdue at the library…. um, bad me.)

What did you read in August, and did any of them fit into our title intrigue prompt? Tell me in the comments below… I’d love to add to my TBR list.



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